Mirror Mirror say it out loud!
First you pair up everyone and make them face each other. The mentor asks questions from the list on the button to the right. Every child answers them out loud and whenever someone is being negative the other person tells them 'stop'. When this happens they have to start over with answering.
VITALS is an acronym that stands for: : Values, Interests, Temperament, Activities en Strengths. Five important pillars to your identity. This time every child gets a few Post-its or pieces of paper with tape and a pen. The mentor starts asking questions from this new list on the left. the children write their answers and stick them on thereselves. At the end you can see the key notes of their identity written on their body.
Online tests
Don't underestimate the power of online tests! Important here is that there is no grade at the end. The power of this exercise is thinking about the questions. If you have tablets and internet at your service, enjoy yourself whilst learning about you. On the right you have a button that leads te a very positive test with good questions.
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