No? -No!


Boundries are important to protect yourself, but what if you're in a situation that makes you uncomfortable? Here are a few steps that can help you defend your boundries:

1. Stop! -Think about the situation before reacting.

2. Consider -Is the question respectful? and what are the effects of saying no or yes?

3. No! -Say no if it makes you feel uncomfortable or even when it does not sound like a smart thing to do. If you do feel guilty present an alternative.

4. This is why... -Explain why you said no. If you don't want to talk about it say so and start a new subject.


After explaining these steps you can practise it. Ask the children what kind of questions or proposals made them uncomfortable and practise how they could have reacted.

Situations can accur unexptected and leave you worrying if you reacted right. It helps to think in advance. For this excercise we need a big blank paper or a chalkboard and three colors to write with (green-orange-red). 

Step one

Draw a huge thermometer and divide it into three. Color the cold part green (ok), the middle part orange (in doubt) and the hot part red (not done). Explain what each part means to the group.

Step two

Brainstorm with the group about situations. Ask everyone where they think the situation belongs. Below you see a button with a few situations to start and give the group an example, but it's important that the children think of their own personal situation. Boundries are personal so it's possible that one situation ends up in multiple zones. Respect this.

Step three

Explain how they can react appropriate to each zone.

Green- enjoy the moment ad react however you feel like.

Orange- appoint the behaviour, offer an alternative, acknowledge their opinion but point out you don't agree and if the situation leans to it use humour to change the subject.

Red- this is serious en demands a serious reaction. Tell them to stop and talk about with someone you trust or/and an adult. Get yourself out of the situation.